Trekking across the Pisan Alps
Discover all the routes and organize with
us your trip to the Pisan Mountains
The most beautiful routes to discover the area, step by step
The Pisan Mountains provide a variety of circuits of varied lengths and difficulties, all of which are immediately identified thanks to signs placed by the Pisan section of the Italian Alpine Club in partnership with the provincial administration. Here are four of the most popular and well-known routes in the area:

Mirteto through Valle delle Fonti
Difficulty: easy
Round-trip duration: 1,5 h
Itinerary: Take the road from Asciano to Baracchini street and then to Martiri della Liberazione street. Take the 119 path to the “Cisternone,” then the 121 path to Mirteto.
Verruca from Monteranno
Difficulty: medium / easy
Round-trip duration: 3 h
Itinerary: leaving the Montemagno parking lot After a few hundred meters, take the marked C.A.I. path along the town’s narrow main street (marked in white and red). When you reach the summit, various information signs will point you in the direction of the Rocca, which is clearly visible.
Spuntone of Santallago
Difficulty: easy
Round-trip duration: 2 h
Itinerary: A bar on the right, a few tens of meters before the start of the dirt road, will lead you to Tenuta di Santallago. After that, follow path 00, which will lead you to the peak via some information-environmental markers. You have the option of retracing your steps backwards or heading down to the Santallago estate.
Moriglion di Penna from Santa Maria del Giudice
Difficulty: medium / easy
Round-trip duration: 40 minutes
Itinerary: Starting at the parking area of the Santa Maria del Giudice cemetery, take a smaller road on the right, always asphalted, until you see the C.A.I. signage, and then take path 116 to the summit.

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+39 050 798840
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